
Important to Moril Warrior, This Is The Role Of Banmin's Supporting Element At The AIS Forum Summit 2023

Admin Bali
Senin, 09 Oktober 2023, Oktober 09, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-10-10T03:56:45Z
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Bali News Today

Badung-Security officials' preparedness for the start of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Summit Forum 2023 is confirmed to be ripe. Such readiness is evident from the respective supporting elements and sub-units of task that have been inserted in their positions to carry out their functions and duties in securing the international event.


Under the control of the Territory Security Task Force (PAMWIL), the entire Supporting Unit and Sub-Task Force have their respective important roles. "We are carrying out operational distribution of food support, transportation, and filling of BBM, as well as field equipment in the form of tents and chairs for the Kodam IX/Udayana soldiers involved in Satgas Pamwil at the AIS Forum Summit 2023," said Colonel Cba Abdul Rosid, S.H., M.M., at the Posko administrative assistance support, Nusa Dua, on Monday (9/10/2023).


Chief of Support Unit Banmin Satgas Pamwil, Kabekangdam IX/Udayana, informed that the party involved as many as personnel equipped with 95 vehicles, including 10 motorcycles, to be fully responsible for the logistics needs of food and BBM for the soldiers of Satgas Pamwil in the security of the AIS Forum Summit.


"The personnel who work at the post can determine the mortality of the soldier in the field. Not only did the trouble quickly reach the soldier, but the menu was also very attentive to us. The essence of the quality of the food provided must be apparent to the soldier. Therefore, this post was established in Nusa Dua to be close to the venue of activity so that the logistics hopes of rice canalized when arriving are still warm," he said.


With this supporting element, Colonel Abdul Rosid hopes the implementation of the AIS Summit will go smoothly and safely. Because the security of this summit is a bet on the good name of the country, One factor is security. Besides, it is hoped that this IIS summit will also have an impact on UMKM, especially the catering of households, so that the economy's wheel can rotate. (Pendam IX/Udy)


