
Kodam IX/Udayana Grade Opening Prodi First Education Bintara TNI AD TA 2023

Admin Bali
Selasa, 12 September 2023, September 12, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-09-12T07:03:09Z
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Bali News Today

Tabanan-After following a very strict selection phase, 92 people were declared to graduate and elected to become Bintara students of TNI AD. Next, they will follow the First Education of BintARA Students AD to change the status of the students from civilian life into military life in order to have the same attitudes, behaviors, patterns of thinking, and character as TNI Soldiers AD.

"You have been chosen to be student soldiers among thousands of other applicants, which is an extraordinary pride. But that pride must be accompanied by effort, hard work, high spirit, and gratitude to the Almighty God, because the position of student soldier is the dream of many people out there," said Pangdam IX/Udayana in his mandate read Danrindam IX/Odayana Colonel Inf Wirawan Eko Prasetyo S.E.M.H., at the opening ceremony of the First Education Prodi Bintara TNI AD TA 2023, Tuesday (12/9/2023) at the Wira Yudha Bhakti Square Rindam IX/Udayan, Kediri, Tabanan 

Pangdam IX/Udayana Mayjen TNI Harfendi, S.I.P., M.Sc., in a written mandate, informed that through this education, the student soldiers will be formed into the Sapta Marga, Sumpah Soldier, and Eight Mandatory TNI Soldiers as the platform for thinking, negotiating, and acting. With the basic knowledge and skills of the graduate as well as the consistent physical conditions, "Prajurit Student is expected to be a reliable soldier and able to carry out the duties of the state as a proud TNI AD soldier", emphasized Pangdam.

In his mandate, Pangdam stressed to the student soldiers that during the journey of education they must follow all materials taught by the Gumils, Trainers, and Builders, both in physical activities and mental formation, as well as tactical training and basic techniques of graduation. Implement all applicable provisions with full awareness and a sense of responsibility.

At the end of his mandate, Pangdam sent a message to Danrindam IX/Udayana, along with staff, nurses, pupils, and trainers, that these student soldiers should be educated, trained, and guided according to the educational goals and objectives set.


The ceremony was attended by Aspers Kasdam IX/Udayana, Wadanrindam IX/Udy, the Waas Kasdam VIII/Udy, Kabbalah Kodam IX/Udy (represented), the Dansatdik, Kadep, Katim, Gumil Jajaran Rindam IX (Udy), Assistant II Setda Kab. Tabanan, Kapolsek Kediri, Kasdim 1619/Tabanan, and other invitations (Pendam/IX Udy)


