
Friendly Police Serving Tourists in Ulundanu Bratan

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Senin, 24 April 2023, April 24, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-26T17:31:36Z
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Bali News Today

Tabanan - Tuesday 25 April 2023-With the permission of the Head of the Tabanan Resort Police AKBP Leo Dedy Defretes S.H., S.I.K., M.H., Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police AKP I Nyoman Subagia, S.Sos as Head of Public Relations Head Unit V conducted coverage of the 2023 Ketupat Agung Operations at the Tabanan Police. And on Monday, April 24, 2023, while reporting on the Ulundanu DTW Beratan Bedugul, the Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police met with two tourists from the Netherlands, Mr Chris and Miss Naomi.

AKP Subagia then greeted the tourists from the Netherlands along with the personnel of the Ulundanu Security Post, Operation Ketupat Agung 2023, Tabanan Police. "Good afternoon," said the Head of Public Relations, starting his conversation with Mr. Chris and Naomi,

We are from the Tabanan Police , on duty at this place, said the Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police, Akp I Nyoman Subagia, to two tourists in the Ulun Danu Bratan parking lot.

Mr. Chris then explained that he was from the Netherlands and then the tourist asked for an explanation from the Head of Public Relations about Bali, culture, and so on. AKP I Nyoman Subagia also gave an explanation about Bali using very fluent English.

From the explanation of the Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police accompanied by members of the Ketupat Agung Operation 2023 security post, the Tabanan Ulundanu Police objected, Mr. Chris and his friend Miss Naomi were satisfied. "I am very satisfied and Bali is very beautiful, the people are friendly, as well as the Police in Ulundanu Beratan - Tabanan Bali that we met were very friendly and helped us," said Mr. Chris

The Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police concluded the conversation by saying thank you and hoping they would come to Bali again ""Thank you, please come more and more to Bali" concluded the Head of Public Relations of the Tabanan Police

(Tabanan Police Public Relations)


