
9.776 People in the Kodam IX/Udayana Follow the Dhikr and Prayer for the Salvation of the Nation Istighosah Kubro

Minggu, 19 Februari 2023, Februari 19, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-02-19T09:46:30Z
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Bali News Today

Denpasar - Pangdam IX/Udayana Major General TNI Sonny Aprianto, S.E., M.M., participated in the Istighosah Kubro activity in commemoration of the Isra Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad SAW Year 1444 H/2023 M which was held virtually at the Sudirman Grand Mosque, Jalan Slamet Riyadi No. 1, Dauh Puri, Denpasar City, on Sunday (19/2/2023).

Centrally carried out at the Great Mosque of Cianjur, West Java, the Istighosah Kubro activity with the theme 'Dhikr and Prayer for the Salvation of the Nation' was organized by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which was attended directly by the Vice President of the Republic Indonesia, Prof. Ma'ruf Amin and Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Dr. Dudung Abdurachman.

Previously, in the series of attending the invitation to the Isra Mi'raj Commemoration, Kasad General Dudung and Kyai Cholil Nafis carried out the Subuh Prayer in congregation and Khotmul Quran with the Ulama.

In his remarks, Kasad invited the Indonesian people, especially Muslims, to emulate the Prophet Muhammad SAW in various aspects of national and state life. For soldiers of the Indonesian Army, Kasad emphasized that Isra and Mi'raj provide lessons and exemplary about orders of obedience between subordinates to leaders and affection between leaders and subordinates.

"I hope that the commemorations of Isra and Mi'raj, Dhikr and Istighosah Kubro can increase our faith and piety to Allah SWT, and can implement them in the life of the nation and state," said Kasad.

Kasad further revealed that the Istighosah Kubro activity is a means of increasing self-taqwa to Allah SWT, by increasing dhikr and prayer in the hope of getting inner peace and strengthening sincerity and patience in accepting calamities and disasters as a test from Allah SWT and being able to rise again from the improvement of a better life.

"In the midst of increasingly dynamic and complex dynamics of life, cooperation and tolerance are needed in religious life, as well as synergy between the TNI, Ulama and other components of the nation. I always emphasize to the soldiers of the Indonesian Army, to always be in the midst of the people's difficulties and must be the solution, because the people are the biological mother of the Indonesian Army," said Kasad.

The event which was held simultaneously in all units of the TNI AD, for the Kodam IX/Udayana area which included Korem 161/WS, Korem 162/WB and Korem 163/WSA was attended by 9.776 people.

Furthermore, the activities at the Sudirman Grand Mosque, Pangdam IX/Udayana took part virtually with Kasdam IX/Udy, Irdam IX/Udy, Kapok Sahli Pangdam IX/Udy, Danrem 163/WSA, Assistants to Kasdam IX/Udy, Dan/Kabalakdam IX/Udy, Kakesbangpol Prov. Bali, Irwasda Polda Bali, Chairman of DPRD Prov. Bali, Kajari Denpasar, Chairman of MUI Bali and Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Prov. Bali, as well as other invitations. (Pendam IX/Udy)


